Your fertility evaluation checklist!
-List to keep track of during the fertility evaluation-

Here we have gathered a list of the most important steps that you need to keep track of during your fertility evaluation!
Before you begin:
- Contact an IVF clinic, your regular gynecologist or general practitioner and tell them that you want to do a fertility evaluation.
- Track your menstrual cycle! Before the first visit, you need to know when you had your last period.
- An infertility history form should be completed before the first visit to the clinic. You can usually find it on the clinic’s website.
Steps during the female fertility evaluation:
- Consultation and gynecological examination
- Blood pressure, height and weight check
- Vaginal ultrasound
- Blood test(s) *
Steps during the male fertility evaluation:
- Meet andrologist: Discussions about previous illnesses, lifestyle and medication and a physical examination
- Leave sperm sample for analysis of your semen
- Blood tests in some cases
- Ultrasound scan of your testiclse done in some cases
- In rare cases the following examinations are also performed:
1.) Genetic testing
2.) Testicular biopsy - Results of the evaluation (will arrive within 1-2 months after the fertility examination has begun, this depends on the clinic).
*Which blood tests are needed can vary from person to person.
(3.) PRL – A blood test to measure a hormone that enables females to produce milk. An elevated value can cause ovulation disorders. The value can also be affected by stress or excessive physical activity.
(4.) Progesterone is one of two female sex hormones and is produced by the corpus luteum in the ovaries. An elevated value confirms that ovulation has occurred because the amount of progesterone in the body increases when you have ovulated.
A fertility evaluation forms the basis of an IVF treatment and can be done either at the chosen clinic / clinic that you plan to carry out your treatment at or at your regular gynecologist / general practitioner. Keep in mind that some steps may differ locally depending on the clinic.
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