Waiting Room

IVF articles and tips

IVF guides & articles 

Looking for IVF news or want to explore more facts about IVF? In Bonzun IVF’s waiting room we have collected articles, guides and readings about IVF & infertility.

While you’re waiting for the next big thing

Entering an IVF journey means a lot of waiting between appointments and steps in your treatment. Enjoy readings about IVF and hang in there while you are waiting. 

Hang in there, IVF warriors!

 “IVF can seem like a constant waiting game. As soon as you start with your first stimulations you’ll be waiting for the egg retrieval, and when you’ve finally made it to an embryo transfer the first ultrasound feels like ages away. We want you to hang in there and be there for you in tough times. That’s why we have created the Waiting Room, filled with articles, guides and content specially selected for you”

Josefin Svensson, Product Manager, Bonzun IVF

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All content in Bonzun IVF is medically reviewed by IVF physicians, researchers, psychologists and fertility experts. Read more about Bonzun’s content review principals here.

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