App Features
Bonzun IVF has everything you need to succeed with your IVF treatment. Create your own unique IVF journey, track your IVF medications, get answers to all your questions about IVF and infertility, get access to premium IVF articles and read about common discomforts & side effects during the IVF treatment.
Tap to explore Bonzun IVF features
Specifically developed to increase the chance of having a baby
With functions that will improve the IVF process, Such as a medication feature to make sure you never miss an important dose.
Bonzun IVF is CE-marked in accordance with European standards for medical devices and all content is medically reviewed by IVF physicians, researchers, psychologists and fertility experts.
The app will guide you through your unique IVF treatment every step of the way and help you to gain more knowledge on how to perform your IVF treatment.
✔️ Create️ your️ IVF️ journey – Get personalized content designed for your unique IVF journey. View stats, and history, and compare your IVF cycles and medication treatments over time.
📑 Treatment️ protocols – Short️ &️ Long ️Protocol️ and️ FET️ –️ Natural,️ Stimulated,️ &️
Programmed️ Cycle️
💉 Track your meds – Get reminders and view your medication progress. Never miss a dose again!
💜 Emotional️ support️ – Customized️ for️ TTC️ warriors
👫Clone️ the️ app️ -️ Unique️ possibility️ to️ share️ the️ journey️ with️ your️ chosen️ partner
🤒 Discomforts️ and️ side️ effects️ – Understand your body and know if your discomforts are normal
⚤ Global️ Community️ –️ You️ are️ not️ alone! Share️ experiences,️ ask️ questions,️ and️ discuss️ with️ other️ TTC️ warriors
❓24/7 support – Explore IVF FAQ that gathers expert answers to all your questions about IVF.